Sonia Crites

Class of ‘98




On Campus

First of all, you are your own best source in this area. The more friendly you are to people on campus, and the more often you invite people to CFG, the more who will come. On campus, as you know well, most everyone finds out everything by word of mouth. So why not use that to your advantage? Instead of spreading rumors, spread what God is doing through CFG. When people hear about it often, maybe they will want to come. This includes making and maintaining our posters on campus. Recruit people to help you make posters and periodically check all your locations to make sure that someone hasn’t ripped down the poster. Don’t forget that you have to have the posters approved by the Office of Student Development (whatever name they go by now!). In addition, when you have an event, don’t forget to promote it at CFG, and remind everyone with email messages or mail messages. I have often been reminded of an event by a little note in the mail a day or two before.

Local Media

In regard to the local news media, you need to get in touch with Amy Looten, Culver-Stockton's Public Relations Director. When you have an event to promote or something else that is newsworthy, call her or set up an appointment about 2-3 weeks in advance. Give all the information you have: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How. How many people will be participating? What is the purpose of the event? Is there a local angle? Why is CFG doing this event? The Press News Journal will cover most of our events, especially because Dan Steinbeck, the editor, is a Christian. Amy will also contact the television media, so don’t be surprised if you end up getting interviewed on TV once in a while. Regular communication is the key in this area of publicity; call the P.R. office and check up on your story. They might need some more information. Above all be helpful and gracious, not pushy.

Campus Media

Lastly, don’t forget the resources that C-SC has to offer! For small reminders and thank yous, call or email the P. R. office to put it in The Source. Don’t neglect this because a lot of people read it; however, your deadline is the Tuesday before you want it printed.

Also, tell the Megaphone about your events. Often they will cover them, especially if there is a CFG member on staff who volunteers to cover it. Tell the editor at least once or twice, and make sure it gets written down. Once again, follow up! Offer to take pictures and give the reporter key people’s names to interview. Do whatever you can to make their job easier.

Other resources: the table toppers in the cafeteria (call the P.R. office), the bulletin board on the cable system (Student Development), sponsoring a table at events like the activities fair, spring fling, and other special events. Homecoming floats are great, but require a lot of commitment as we found out. Tee shirts can be fun. Be creative and glorify the Lord!!!

My only warning is that you don’t bug people: don’t make a big deal out of nothing. CFG holding a game night is not newsworthy to the local media! But CFG going on a missions trip or sponsoring a major fund raiser is! In 1998, when we went to Birmingham, Ala., and built a house, we had stories in all the local newspapers, two television stations, in the Megaphone, Dome, The Chronicle (the alumni magazine), and we even made a presentation to the Board of Directors. So aim high, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t get a huge response.

One other important thing: have a short statement that describes CFG prepared. I think I always said we were a student-led non-denominational group that meets weekly to fellowship and grow closer to God. We’ve been in existence since 1990.


Working with others

(In no particular order)

• Learn that everyone has a different opinion, and that you are not always right.

• Cast denominational differences aside! Do you all believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died for your sins and rose again? Do you all confess Jesus as your personal savior?

Build on your common ground, not your differences.

• Try not to grieve the Holy Spirit by your actions, words, thoughts or attitudes.

• Find a Godly friend who can pray with you and keep you accountable.

• Listen to others, and accept a rebuke when it is due.

• Pray for those that irritate you.

• Love those who no one else loves, regardless of whether or not it is cool.

• Ask for help when you need it.

• Do what you say you will do.

• Watch out for cliques, they can destroy a wonderful group by making people feel left out and unwelcomed.

• Remember that people will expect you to be just as friendly and Godly outside of CFG. Everyone will know about everything you do in a matter of hours.

• Try to be like Jesus

• Pray

Conclusion by Jeremy Gibbs