Christian Fellowship Group
Culver-Stockton College
Canton, Missouri
Article I: Purpose
The purpose of Christian Fellowship Group is to enhance each member’s personal
relationship with God and to provide support and fellowship for spiritual growth.
Article II: Membership
Membership of Christian Fellowship Group is open to the entire community of
Culver-Stockton College. Active (voting) status is maintained by attending two
meetings and/or activities each semester.
Article III: Officers
1. The positions of officers of Christian Fellowship Group shall be that of President/Contact Person. Committees, as determined necessary by a majority of CFG shall be so named. These committees may include Service (Philanthropy), Newsletter, Worship, Hospitality, Prayer, Publicity, Activities/Games, Student Parliament, Treasurer, and others as necessary.
2. All active members of CFG and full-time students of Culver-Stockton College are eligible to participate in the committees and eligible to Chair any of those committees.
3. The President/Contact person shall be so determined by the chairs of the committees, thus the President shall also be a chairperson of a committee.
meetings and activities.
Article IV: Meetings
Meetings of Christian Fellowship Group shall be held weekly.
Article V: Amendments
This constitution can be amended by:
1. Presentation and discussion of the proposed amendment at one of the
weekly meetings.
2. The vote shall take place as decided upon by the officers.