

Christian Fellowship Group


Culver-Stockton College

Canton, Missouri

Article I: Purpose

The purpose of Christian Fellowship Group is to enhance each member’s personal

relationship with God and to provide support and fellowship for spiritual growth.

Article II: Membership

Membership of Christian Fellowship Group is open to the entire community of

Culver-Stockton College. Active (voting) status is maintained by attending two

meetings and/or activities each semester.

Article III: Officers

  1. Qualification and eligibility

1. The positions of officers of Christian Fellowship Group shall be that of President/Contact Person. Committees, as determined necessary by a majority of CFG shall be so named. These committees may include Service (Philanthropy), Newsletter, Worship, Hospitality, Prayer, Publicity, Activities/Games, Student Parliament, Treasurer, and others as necessary.

2. All active members of CFG and full-time students of Culver-Stockton College are eligible to participate in the committees and eligible to Chair any of those committees.

3. The President/Contact person shall be so determined by the chairs of the committees, thus the President shall also be a chairperson of a committee.


  1. Duties of the officers
    1. The officers of Christian Fellowship Group shall plan and organize the

meetings and activities.

  1. Election of officers
    1. Elections for Christian Fellowship Group shall take place at the end of the first semester.

Article IV: Meetings

Meetings of Christian Fellowship Group shall be held weekly.

Article V: Amendments

This constitution can be amended by:

1. Presentation and discussion of the proposed amendment at one of the

weekly meetings.

2. The vote shall take place as decided upon by the officers.

    1. Ratification shall be passed by a majority of the members present at the meeting.