Spiritual Trouble-shooting

Jeremy Gibbs

Class of '99

If you have worked on computers for any amount of time, you quickly realize that occassionally problems arise. Thus, help either by yourself or someone else is needed. This is where the term trouble-shooting arises.

If you have worked with people for any amount of time, you also realize that problems arise with real humans. No one is exactly the same. Everyone has their own set of beliefs, standards, goals, and personalities. Thus, problems can arise from personality conflicts, from beliefs, or as I found out even from differences in vocabulary.

1. Salvation - Salvation belongs to God

By far the most important concept of the entire Bible and of CFG is the idea of salvation. Obviously, I have little doubt that you are familiar with concept. Romans 3:23 (all have sinned), Romans 6:23 (wages of sin is death), and Romans 10:9 (if you confess that "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved) are all very familiar passages on the fact. I have full confidence in you that this is not something new to you.

However, I did want to spend a few minutes on something that concerns CFG in particular. As you already know by now, CFG is a non-denominational group consisting of many different faiths. Therefore, it is our responsibilty to not judge others according to how we see the definition of salvation, but instead encourage them in the truth. One verse that comes to mind is Revelation 7:10, "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." Let us remember when we see someone doing something that we think is totally incorrect, that no one knows the mind of God, save the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 2:16). This is so important for this group not to be judgemental. We are trying to bring people into a loving relationship with the Savior, not a judgmental relationship among people.

2. Unity (Differences in Personality, Ideas, Backgrounds) - 1 Cor. 12:12 - 27

The is one of the most important concepts for a group such as ours, but also I believe for the entire world. I put this concept at second for the obvious reasons that it fits our group so well, but also because I believe that this permiates through the entire gospel.

The main text we use is 1 Corinthians 12 which most clearly defines this concept. It is here that we can see how we each have unique gifts that are so valuable to the body of Christ and to CFG in particular. This is so important for CFG to be successful. We have nine committees, allowing for several different gifts to be used by each member. Any mathematics major could tell you that the work of 60 or 70 people is much greater than the work of 4 or 5. It is just simple logic. Not only can more be done, but we can grow more from each other through such experiences.

This concept is so important for you to fully grasp. It is my belief that if one understands this concept, then the rest of the gospel falls into place. Every story, teaching, parable, etc. can only be truly understood with this underlying concept. For example, Romans 12:9 - 21 talks about love. Looking that this passage, it is easy to see how valuable this lesson is. If I can understand that I am an important member of the body of Christ and in turn an important member of CFG, aren’t I just naturally going to want to "be devoted in brotherly love" and even "honor one another above myself" (Rom. 12:10). I want to uplift others because they are part of the body. If they fall, that will most definatly reflect bad on Christians in general and myself.

Even Old Testament stories fall under this category. The story of the forty years wondering in the desert wouldn’t have had to happen if they would have been united in God. It is true they were united, but they were united in sin. Thus, the consequences of their actions resulted in all of the grumblers dying before reaching the Promised Land.

Another quick example is the story of Jonah. The Ninevites, after being rebuked by the preaching of Johnah, humbled themselves and became united together in God and in fasting and praying.

I hope that in this short time I have made clear that this is the first concept that we as Christians must fully understand and apply. It will change your entire life and without a doubt CFG.

3. Humility (Differences in Personality, Differences in Beliefs, Power Struggle) - Phil. 2

Phillippians 2 discusses how we are to imitate Christ's humility. Obvsiouly, there is no greater example for us to follow. I guarentee you, as crazy as it may sound, that if you follow Phillipians 2:3 of considering others better than yourself, as Christ did, you will have true joy and the rest will truly fall into place for no apparent reason. I didn't learn this concept until Christmas break of my Junior year. I was 21 years old. Needless to say, it is not something that is truly easy to understand or apply. However, by thinking of others better than yourself, you will be more open to hear their ideas, more supportive of them, gentler, and as a result, people will respect you.

4. Love for others (I Cor. 13, Romans 12:9 - 21)

One of the greatest lessons of the whole Bible is love. This is a great concept that is not only well respected and sought

after among Christians, but as you very well know, among the world also. Obviously, the best place to start applying such a

concept is the "Love Chapter," I Corinthians 13. In this chapter, Paul describes a pure love that I believe we should be able to

easily apply to all humans, Christians or not. We need to be patient, kind, humble, trustworthy, and truthful with everyone.

I believe the Bible actually discusses three levels of love. The first level, as described above is basically that pure love.

With this, we learn to have respect for other Christians, as we desire to lift them up in their faith being part of the body (see

point 1). In addition to this love for other believers, we will develop such a strong compassion for sinners and desire for them

to come to know Christ and accept his love.

The second level of love is related to the humility as discussed in point three. The second level is to actually love others above your own self. At first, you may say, "Ok, I can do that." But, take a minute to comprehend how much you love your own self. This is definately a very difficult concept to truly attain. You care for your own body. You clean yourself up. You feed yourself. You like the music you listen to. You like the jokes you tell. You like the friends you have. You like the intelligence you have gained over the years. Now, try to imagine for a moment what it means to truly love someone above yourself. I won't lie to you, this is so difficult. It is easier to do with some people that are similar to yourself, but try to do it for someone completely different than yourself. Nonetheless, this is a very important concept to strengthen groups such as C.F.G. specifically and the body of Christ in general. Paul talks about the importance in Romans 12:10 when he sas to "Honor others above yourself." I think you can see the benefits of this now.

The final level of love involves a love like that of Hosea. This is a godly love, one that means we will remain faithful no matter what. Again, human nature is totally against this. If someone wrongs you, you either want to wrong them, or at least ignore them. But, to remain as faithful as God always is when we turn our backs on him is what we should strive for.

5. Gentleness (Planning meetings, Differences in Personality, Differences in Belief) - Phil. 4:5, Gal. 5:23, Pr. 15:1

In Phillipians 4:5, we find a command to let our gentleness be evident to all since the Lord's return is near. Though the Lord has not yet returned, the same truth holds today. We really need to be gentle to believers which again (point 1) strengthens the group and the body. Also, it is a witness to those who are unsaved. What a message! One of the greatest things I learned over my four years of college is how truly important attitude is. I used to think it was all about what you believe on the inside. However, nothing makes a bigger impact than someone who is gentle. He or she will be well respected both in the group and outside in the world. People just naturally want to be around a gentle person, more than one could ever point out. One of the more respected professors among other professors at Culver is Dr. Hotlte, history professor. He is a practicing Buddhist and exhibits this concept of gentleness well, as is found in his litergy. Needless to say, if he can do it without Christ in his heart, we must do it. Please be gentle with everyone!

The other verses listed above simply reiterate the importance and tremendous power of gentless. It is one of the nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit, thus signifying the tremendous value of such a task. Proverbs declares, "A gentle answer turns away wrath." This, I have found to be true.

6. No complaining - (Differences in Opinion) -Phillippians 2:14 - 15, James 3, Proverbs 18:21

Once again we return to the valuable lessons found in Phillippians 2, where we are instructed to immulate Christ's humility. "Do everything without complaining or arguing." It is simple, yet difficult. We need to keep our mouth shut. I return again to the attitude and speech lesson of before. It is absolutely vital that we act in accordance to the way Jesus would act in order to win the lost. Just think in your own mind how undesirable it is to be around someone who complains about anything and everything all of the time. They are not the people you want to be around. The tongue is such a dangerous weapon. Use it appropriately. Hold your tongue when necessary.

Proverbs reminds us that "The tongue has the power of life and death, and hose who love it will eat its fruit." I personally like Proverbs 17:28 in discussing the importance of holding your tongue rather than complaining. How many times have you heard someone complain when they don't quite know all of the fact. It occurs way too often! In fact, according to what I have observed, that is most often the root of complaining - lack of information. Thus, Proverbs says, "Even a fool is thoght wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." Enough said - Don't be a fool!

7. Be Joyful always (productive meetings, lives, differences of opinion) - I Thess. 5:16, Phil. 4:4

One of the best qualities to have in order to just simply make the planning meets productive is to be truly joyful. There is being joyful, and then there is being JOYFUL. The first is simply a fake smile, fake look, which actually helps the meetings a whole lot than someone who is negative and down. It may be fake and not do a whole lot for yourself personally, but surprisingly, it helps make the meetings run smoothly.

Then, there is being truly JOYFUL. This is something that God can only give you. You need to be grounded in his Word, be praying, and take great joy and thankfulness for God's grace of salvation for you. Trust me on this one: being joyful is the only way to in order to live a peaceful and happy life. Look for something today to be joyful about. Don't wait till the Cubs win the World Series. It may take a long time. :)

8. Long Suffering (Successful Group, Growth in CFG, Lack of Committment by others) - Gal. 5:22, 6:9 - 10, Js 1:2

For those of you with a King James Version Bible, you will realize that long suffering is included in the list of the characteristics of the fruit of the spirit. For those with New International Version or others, it is called patience. Nonetheless, the idea will still get across. As was basically expressed in the concept of gentleness, please be very patient with one another. Don't scorn others for not developing or growing as fast as you would like.

Along with this, however, I wanted to include the idea of working hard. Galations 6:9 - 10 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." I just want to take this quick second to commend you already for your tremendous committment to CFG and the work you have already put in for that. I have noticed as several others have. I am probably one of the ones most appreciative and will continue to be appreciative for your service. Please don't take offense when things aren't going your way. Don't let it trouble you when you feel like you are doing everything. Rather, as James 1:2 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." Take heart, you will be richly rewarded in heaven.

9. Pray always (I Thess. 5:17) - Differences of Opinion, Fabulous meetings

Just remember to have an attitude of prayer at all times. If so, the rest of the above qualities will easily fall into place. Just keep you focus on our true leader: God almighty.

10. Now it’s your turn (Shine as Stars) - (Phillipians 2:15, Joshua 1:7)

Now it is your turn. I am ever thankful for the girls who went before me and gave CFG its foundation and eternally thankful for you all for taking it into its promised land now. Remember to be strong (strength comes from Christ), coragious (know what you believe, be rooted in the Word), and obey the Bible.

I pray that you may walk into the promised land and CFG will be both larger and better spiritually than it has ever been. I entrust you to follow God in this pursuit and I have faith that he will be faithful as you seek Him. As Phillipians 2:15 says, it is time for you to "SHINE AS STARS!"